Tuesday, March 24, 2009


so what do i get for hanging out with a sick person all weekend??? i'm sick. and it sucks. big time. its nearing the end of the semester and i really need all my energy, especially since me and karl just started our new workout routine... is it alright to work out when you're sick?? the general consensus on the internet is that if your symptoms are above the neck (which mine seem to be so far) that its ok to exercise at a reduced rate, and it may even help you get better quicker. however if they are below the neck to stay away from exercise and just rest. but there are people who disagree with both of these statements... does anybody have any advice??? because i really would like to look like one of these girls in the coming months and i dont want this sickness to get me off track! blah!

1 comment:

Erin Jane said...

you should rest. and you already look like that dumby