Thursday, May 1, 2008

Summer Resolutions

So I have a lot of time this summer. FOUR months at home. And while I'll probably be busy with my internship, I've decided that I'm going to take all the other time I have to improve myself. As my wise friend Kaitlyn said, "Make this summer all about you." Now I know that sounds kind of selfish, but really, I want to go back to Hawaii the end of August as the 'NEW AND IMPROVED' Ashley. So anyways, here are a few of the things I'm going to work on:

1. I'm going to the gym. and often.
2. I'm going to improve my sewing skills. New dresses anyone?
3. I'm going to learn how to play the piano again. (I started today and I have a LONG way to go)
4. I'd just like to become generally crafty. You know, make a lot of crafts.
5. I'm going to learn how to budget and save my money. This will be hard.
6. And of course, I plan to become a master scriptorian.

So yes, that's all for now. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated on my summer resolutions.


karly angela zobrist said...

BLOG! I love you and your new blog. Also, it reminds me of bob loblaw, and I love that.

amysteed said...

lovely blog ash-hole. i like resolutions. and selfish summers.